We wearth it- sports for climate change

Sports for Climate Change is a movement that serves as an invitation for all to work with respect and excellence towards sustainability.

Our goal for this project iwas to cover as many kilometers as possible through the active participation fof athletes or climate change, environmental protection and ocean conservancy.

The Campaign started on 16th of May and completed on the 4th of July. The total results retrieved from Strava app are the following:

  • 18 athletes
  • 427 activities
  • 5120 km
  • 441 hours of training

The name of the athletes are: Lydia Papandreou, Armandos Linardos, Panos Sinopoulos, George Eleftheriadis, George Myzalis, Zoe Rat, Fanis Papadimitriou, George Kouroumalos, Marija Mia Nicolic, Niki Beladaki, Orestis Angouridakis, Anastasios Moustakis, Kostas Taouktsis, George Dialektos, Kostis Epitropakis, Waleed Dawa, Helen Xatzimitsou. 

The covered distance is actually the equal distance from Athens City Center to the Northest part of Europe, North Cape of Norway!! How incredibel is that?

We have committed that the covered distance, will be equal of the waste that we will prevent through our actions to end up in the ocean or in the environment! So our next goal is 5120 kg of waste to be collected!

Thank you all for your active participation and support !


We wearth it- talks

The COVID-19 Pandemic is changing the way we live and this is having a significant impact on the environment. Experts believe that the pandemic shows how we can manage things differently in times of emergency.

During this pandemic era, which is currently postponing some planned actions that we had for this year, having as a priority health, human and the environment, which are inextricably linked to the sustainability of this planet, we decided to launch a campaign that is called “We Wearth It”, which will initially launch with a round of live Talks on Instagram and will be called “We Wearth It- Talks”, which aims to raise awareness and information on many different environmental issues and more. 

Below you may find relevant links of our Talks on Instagram.

Thank you and stay safe!