Cumulatively small decisions, choices, actions, make a very big difference.

-Jane Goodal-

Beach Clean Up, Kladissos Chania, 26 January 2020

With the full support and motivation of GreenTeam Dedisa, a beach clean up carried out last Sunday, on 26 January 2020, at Kladissos beach in Chania Crete. A beach full of waste and loads of material from the river and the sea. We hope that we raise awareness through this action to young and elderly people that participated in this clean-up, regarding the huge problem of plastic pollution and how much affects our daily lives. 

Totally, we collected 110 large bags, approximately 4 tonnes of general and recyclable waste. 

We are gratefull for the participation of more than 100 people that came to help us in this action from Chania’s EPAL, scouters, local high schools and many people of the local community!

Thank you one more time for your support!

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