Cumulatively small decisions, choices, actions, make a very big difference.

-Jane Goodal-

Oceanman Greece 2019- Goals

We are very proud to announce our partnership with Oceanman Greece for the Open Water Swimming Event in Oitylo Bay on 29 & 30 June 2019. This year Π3= Plastic Pollution Prevention is helping Oceanman Greece to work toward their goals of a smaller race environmental footprints and a more sustainable future. Our main goals are:

1. Plastic elimination by 20%
2. Water consumption reduction by 15%
3. 100% Recycling of the used water bottles
4. Zero Waste at sea

The key to reaching the green finish line, lies in understanding that the consumption of natural resources can be minimized across event activities and that all waste generated during an event can find a second life. Everything will be measured and published in Oceanman Greece Sustainability Report 2019, after completion of the event.

We expect all the participants to join us in this effort and to enhance the Sustainable Goals of Oceanman Greece. More details and instructions will be given until the commencement of the event. Stay tuned and…. protect the environment!! 

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